on your blog. get set. compose!

This just in! the P.R. of C. has approved The Jade Teaspoon with the official chop (wordpress is still roaming freely just out of reach, so to speak.) Let it be, in more ways than one!

And so, this blog is a go, but it will begin with a note-to-self from days of past: Voice not that which you think, nor that which ought be said; voice that which ought be heard.

Another, closing, thought for the day: We do not lose our way by walking another path. We lose our way by stepping off the path of our choice.


  1. Dude! Nice blog. What an amazing experience--I'm kind of jealous, then you remind me that where I am at the present moment is experience enough. Sure enough, it's actually more than enough.

    It's all amazing.

    I'm happy you are able to get this up and running, and I look forward to reading lots more!

